Shafin Haque

Hi! I'm Shafin, a 18 y/o at UC Berkeley studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS). I'm interested in machine learning and computer vision.

I'm currently a computer vision and deep optics intern at Glass Imaging, improving smartphone camera quality through deep learning.

In the past, I interned for Invisible AI's machine learning team, where I built deep learning computer vision systems for improving automotive manufacturing lines. I also researched objection detection methods on ROV marine data for the Vision Research Lab at UC Santa Barbara.

Check out my work and experience on this page, and feel free to reach out!

Email  /  LinkedIn  /  Github  /  Devpost

profile photo
Box Prediction Rebalancing for Training Single-Stage Object Detectors with Partially Labeled Data
Shafin Haque, R. Austin McEver
NeurIPS Workshop (NeurIPS LMRL), 2022
Paper  / Poster

We propose Box Prediction Rebalancing for single-stage object detectors to combat the challenge of learning from partially annotated datasets. By randomly removing percentages of negative predictions from our model's loss computation, our model performs better as it learns less from false positives which may be true species of interest without ground truth.

Computer Vision and Deep Optics Intern May 2024 - Present
Glass Imaging
Machine Learning Engineering Intern February 2023 - August 2023
Invisible AI
  • Developed custom few-shot deep learning model for semantic segmentation of workpiece objects in automotive manufacturing lines. Trained segmentation model with only 15 images per camera site. Built data pipeline from labeled data in CVAT to custom PyTorch dataset for training.
  • Created light-weight single-shot object detector model using residual skip connections from features generated by existing production pose estimation model as the backbone to detect worker faces for face blurring in live cameras.
Research Intern at UCSB March 2022 - December 2022
Vision Research Lab
  • Worked with MARE Group to develop dataset for streamlining identification and counting process of marine species in underwater ROV videos. Researched novel object detection methods to improve performances on our dataset.
  • Wrote extended abstract accepted to NeurIPS LMLR proposing novel bounding box prediction rebalancing method for single-stage object detectors such as YOLO to improve learning from partially labeled datasets.
  • Also contributed to research paper accepted to International Journal of Computer Vision and CVPR Workshop.
Research Assistant at Stanford December 2021 - March 2022
Quanitative Imaging and Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • Researched the application of federated learning in medical imaging in order to improve security and accuracy of 2D and 3D segmentation of multi-organ and tumor abdominal CT scans.
Machine Learning Intern June 2021 - December 2021
Tech for Good Inc
  • Programmed deep learning models in TensorFlow and PyTorch to detect distracted/impaired drivers in images and video.
  • Used custom and pre-trained CNNs to reach an accuracy of 99% for distinguishing between multiple classes of distracted and non distracted driving. Also tested with CNN-RNN architecture for video classification.
  • Lead computer vision team on the project by overseeing all team operations and holding meetings. Lead collaboration with software engineering team to develop mobile application using Flutter.

I've competed in numerous hackathons and these are some of the projects created during them. There are also some personal projects listed and more of my projects can be found on my Github or Devpost.

Python, TensorFlow, Flask, HTML/CSS/JS
Website / Code / Devpost / Demo
  • Python web app for predicting burn area, put-out time, and location of wildfires with machine learning. Used CNNs, regression, and object detection detection models
  • 4th place Congressional App Challenge 2021 & 4x Hackaton Award Winner
Pitch Prediction
R, Python, RShiny, TensorFlow, Caret
RShiny App / Code / Medium Article
  • RShiny app for predicting the next pitch in baseball based on current game scenario. Used regression and neural network based approaches
  • Wrote article published in TowardsAI documenting process
Python, TensorFlow, Flask, Firebase, HTML/CSS/JS
Code / Devpost / Demo
  • Python Flask app for detecting eye disorders in images and effects of treatment using CNN and regression models with Firebase backend
  • 4x hackathon award winner
Vue.JS, TensorFlow.js, AutoML, Firebase
Website / Code / Devpost / Demo
  • Vue.JS app with TensoFlow.js and AutoML for detecting and classifying COVID-19 and the flu with Firebase backend
  • Google sponsor prize winner
Python, TensorFlow, Flask, HTML/CSS/JS
Code / Devpost / Demo
  • Web app for detecting and predicting various characteristics of different natural disasters
  • 6x hackathon award winner

Website template from here